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Happiness & Contentment Workbook: opening your heart, embracing your natural joy

Happiness & Contentment Workbook: opening your heart, embracing your natural joy
The Happy Buddha
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210 x 140
Learn how to cultivate your own joy through the Happiness & Contentment Workbook, with 70 writing exercises and plenty of space to delve into and reflect upon each one. This book contains the wisdom and guidance of The Happy Buddha who has been teaching people how to tap into their innate happiness for several decades. Full of practical meditations, guided explorations of your inner psyche and wonderful analogies, this workbook covers topics such as:

• Removing limiting beliefs
• Looking at the bigger picture
• Befriending your inner critic
• Embracing unhappiness
• Rediscovering your wild energy
• Unhooking from negative thoughts
• Slowing down
• Being present

... and much more. Imagine a large ice cube. Trapped in the centre of the ice cube is a beautiful, glittering jewel that represents our innate happiness and joy. How do you access it? Simply place the ice in the warmth of the sun, and let it melt...

Overflowing with charming illustrations, chasmic analogies and thought-provoking activities to help you on the path to conscious contentment, The Happiness & Contentment Workbook is a book to work and melt into.
Introduction 6

Chapter 1: Becoming Mushy 8
This chapter introduces the book by inviting readers to learn about how we can melt the ice that prevents us from accessing the happiness within.

Chapter 2: The Broken Vase 26
We are masters at making ourselves unhappy. This chapter looks at what happiness actually is and how we can learn to understand and work with our unhappy thoughts.

Chapter 3: The Big Picture 42
Every morning, we wake up, reach for a balloon and fill it with our demands and expectations for the day ahead. But soon life bursts that balloon and the exhausting cycle begins again. How can you break this cycle and remember the bigger picture? Learn how to free yourself and burst the balloons of your expectations in this chapter.

Chapter 4: Know Your Inner Critic 58
One of the main causes of unhappiness is the critical and judgmental voices inside our own head. Practice speaking to and building a relationship with your inner critic.

Chapter 5: Grandmother Mind 74
A grandmother loves everything about their grandchild, and meditation and mindfulness is about welcoming everything about yourself, just as a grandma would. Learn how to develop and look upon yourself with a grandmother mind'.

Chapter 6: Where is Your Wildness? 86
During childhood, we learn to freeze' certain emotions and behaviours, and lose our vital wild' energy. Engage in conversation with all the different versions of yourself and reconnect with your true nature.

Chapter 7: The Art of Unhooking From Thoughts 104
Find contentment and calm by practising tools and techniques such as thought labelling' to free yourself from the grips of your more hectic and unfriendly thoughts.

Chapter 8: Your True Home 120
Learn to feel at home in your own body, where happiness and peace truly stems from, as opposed to some uncontrolled, imagined future or external source.

Chapter 9: Doing Nothing-The Forgotten Medicine 132
Many of us are caught in in a busy trap', but if we want to be happy, we have to know how to rest and relax. Explore why we need to and how we can slow down and cherish this one and only life.

Chapter 10: Are You Nexting? 150
This chapter focuses on how we can prevent ourselves from nexting' our life away, and become more present with life as it is, no matter how tedious or stressful it may be in that moment.

Endmatter 176