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Metaphors, Magic and Mystery

Metaphors, Magic and Mystery
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The theme of this anthology is words, especially words in the context of the Dharma. Words have such power and magic, and yet they also present so many limitations and pitfalls. There are questions of how to use them skilfully and accurately, and the dangers of taking things too literally or misunderstanding metaphors. Indeed, there's the difference between understanding words and really knowing anything at all. There's the relationship between words and the truth, and the role poetry plays in connecting them; and there's the possibility that the truth may be conveyed in languages other than that of words – the language of imagery and symbolism, for example.

Sangharakshita has had a great many things to say about all this; and 'in the woods' (or rather on the bookshelves) 'are many more', as the final poem in the collection mysteriously hints.

The collection was originally made for a women's Dharma course held at Adhisthana in the spring of 2014. This edition has been produced to celebrate the opening of the Sangharakshita Library at Adhisthana in January 2015.