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Born in Lhasa

Born in Lhasa
Namgyal Lhamo Taklha
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Namgyal Lhamo Taklha recounts her remarkable life in Born in Lhasa. She describes her childhood in a Tibet that no longer exists and chronicles her life and work on four continents. It is an engaging history of the Tibetan diaspora—dramatic and filled with anecdotes. Taklha's autobiography differs from those of other prominent Tibetans because she discusses the unexpected challenges of living in America and Europe.

Mrs. Taklha married the immediate elder brother of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. She is a member of the elected Parliament of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile and serves as Minister of Health. She lives in Dharamsala, India.

"Mrs. Taklha's incredible life story is very gripping and emotional. Her writing style swept me into the story—I enjoyed this book from cover to cover."
—Rinchen Dharlo, President of Tibet Fund and the Conservancy for Tibetan Arts and Culture

"Born in Lhasa gives voice to an enduring human spirit. In fascinating detail, one woman's story documents a nation's history."
—Whitney Stewart, author of The 14th Dalai Lama
1. Born in Lhasa
2. The Tsarong Home
3. Festivals
4. China and Tibet
5. In Transit
6. DarjeelingÑDorje Garden
7. Lhasa Under Red Army Boots
8. Freedom at Last
9. Tibetan Refugees
10. New Delhi
11. In the Belly of the Iron Bird
12. Little Tibet in Switzerland
13. On the Road
14. On Madison Avenue
15. Dharamsala: Place of Refuge
16. Wheel of Life
17. Hollywood
18. The Setting Sun