She Still Lives: a novel of Tibet
She Still Lives: a novel of Tibet
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She Still Lives: A Novel of Tibet is an action / love story set in a fictional Tibet of the future. The beginning of the next century is a pivotal time for the Land of Snows. A nascent freedom movement has been crushed by the Communists. Tara Gyatso, beloved Dalai Lama, and her advisor Mila Lakpa, have been imprisoned.
Many years later Mila Lakpa emerges from jail. He is an aged remnant of his former self, but he rallies for a final act of rebellion. Outwardly he may appear to have forgotten the Dalai Lama, but inwardly a secret plan is taking shape. The path to success is a razor's edge: on the one side, the Dalai Lama's freedom; on the other, a life sentence and the annihilation of his hopes. The Chinese believe he poses no danger to the State. For all Mila knows, they may be right.
"For those who want a break from serious books about Buddhism (and virtually all books on the subject are fairly solemn), Tibetan teacher and translator Magee offers a rare and imaginative novel. Set in 22nd-century Tibet, the action centers around a future female Dalai Lama imprisoned by the Chinese, who still rule the mountainous country. The principal character is her adviser, a nationalist who loves both his country and his leader, and who has been released from prison into a dystopian society as the book opens. Magee's fluency in Tibetan allows him to authenticate the text with Tibetan words and references. He also adds some visionary touches to this future—dogs bred for empathic intuition, for example. Land mines and sex contribute danger and excitement… Moral questions about using violence to achieve political ends also flow naturally from the action, making the Buddhist framework highly relevant. Magee has written a proficient novel that adds highly unusual elements to a story of love, adventure and politics."
—Publishers Weekly
"Dr. Magee has written an original and compelling book about a future female Dalai Lama and a man whose love for her is inspiring and transcendent. The action is suspenseful and the characters are intensely human. She Still Lives is both a grippingly-entertaining novel and an indictment of the false gods of war, a reminder that love and nonviolence are more powerful forces than tyranny and oppression."
—Jeffrey Hopkins, author of numerous books on Tibetan Buddhism
"This wildly imaginative novel about a female Dalai Lama will fascinate not only Buddhist readers, suspense junkies, and travelers drawn to the mystery of Tibet, but anyone who has asked the question: What would this suffering world be like if women were finally in charge? Read this book—and be amazed."
—Mark Matousek, author of Sex Death Enlightenment and The Boy He Left Behind
Bill Magee holds a doctorate in Tibetan Buddhist Studies from the University of Virginia. The author of Columbo and The Samurai Sword, as well as books and articles on Tibetan language and philosophy, he lives in Taiwan—where he teaches Tibetan and Sanskrit languages and Buddhism—and in Charlottesville, VA.
Many years later Mila Lakpa emerges from jail. He is an aged remnant of his former self, but he rallies for a final act of rebellion. Outwardly he may appear to have forgotten the Dalai Lama, but inwardly a secret plan is taking shape. The path to success is a razor's edge: on the one side, the Dalai Lama's freedom; on the other, a life sentence and the annihilation of his hopes. The Chinese believe he poses no danger to the State. For all Mila knows, they may be right.
"For those who want a break from serious books about Buddhism (and virtually all books on the subject are fairly solemn), Tibetan teacher and translator Magee offers a rare and imaginative novel. Set in 22nd-century Tibet, the action centers around a future female Dalai Lama imprisoned by the Chinese, who still rule the mountainous country. The principal character is her adviser, a nationalist who loves both his country and his leader, and who has been released from prison into a dystopian society as the book opens. Magee's fluency in Tibetan allows him to authenticate the text with Tibetan words and references. He also adds some visionary touches to this future—dogs bred for empathic intuition, for example. Land mines and sex contribute danger and excitement… Moral questions about using violence to achieve political ends also flow naturally from the action, making the Buddhist framework highly relevant. Magee has written a proficient novel that adds highly unusual elements to a story of love, adventure and politics."
—Publishers Weekly
"Dr. Magee has written an original and compelling book about a future female Dalai Lama and a man whose love for her is inspiring and transcendent. The action is suspenseful and the characters are intensely human. She Still Lives is both a grippingly-entertaining novel and an indictment of the false gods of war, a reminder that love and nonviolence are more powerful forces than tyranny and oppression."
—Jeffrey Hopkins, author of numerous books on Tibetan Buddhism
"This wildly imaginative novel about a female Dalai Lama will fascinate not only Buddhist readers, suspense junkies, and travelers drawn to the mystery of Tibet, but anyone who has asked the question: What would this suffering world be like if women were finally in charge? Read this book—and be amazed."
—Mark Matousek, author of Sex Death Enlightenment and The Boy He Left Behind
Bill Magee holds a doctorate in Tibetan Buddhist Studies from the University of Virginia. The author of Columbo and The Samurai Sword, as well as books and articles on Tibetan language and philosophy, he lives in Taiwan—where he teaches Tibetan and Sanskrit languages and Buddhism—and in Charlottesville, VA.