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Wakeful Body: somatic mindfulness as a path to freedom

Wakeful Body: somatic mindfulness as a path to freedom
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A highly practical and approachable guide to somatic meditation with easy practices for accessing the body's inherent mindfulness, from an expert in somatic meditation.

Tap into the wisdom of the body with down-to-earth practices like "Surrendering to the Breath" and "Befriending Feelings" that allow the body to become the source of mindfulness. Willa Blythe Baker introduces meditation practice as the cultivation of a way of being, rather than a way of doing. It is a way of being that is self-aware, self-compassionate, and embodied. This way of being is not limited to practice on the cushion or on the yoga mat--somatic mindfulness is available at any moment, activated by attention to the body's wisdom and its teachings.

Discover the three layers of embodiment, from the earth body of flesh and blood, the subtle body of sensory experience and emotion, and the awareness body of consciousness. The three parts of this book explore these layers through turning attention to the physical, energetic, and mental dimensions of human experience. By diving deep into the body, readers will find that they already have what they need. Concentration, wisdom, compassion, kindness, and joy are waiting there.


WILLA BLYTHE BAKER, PhD is the founder and spiritual director of Natural Dharma Fellowship in Boston, MA, and its retreat center Wonderwell Mountain Refuge in Springfield, NH. She was authorized as a dharma teacher and lineage holder in the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism after twelve years of monastic training and two consecutive three-year retreats.

Willa completed a doctorate at Harvard University and was visiting lecturer in Buddhist Ministry from 2013 to 2017. At present, Willa writes, teaches, guides meditation retreats, and develops curricula for lay Buddhists interested in cultivating a deep meditation practice in daily life. She also teaches at Kripalu. She is the author of several other works including The Arts of Contemplative Care (Wisdom, 2012) and Everyday Dharma (Quest Books, 2009), and is the translator of Essence of Ambrosia- A Guide to Buddhist Contemplations (Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 2005.)
