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Hurry Up and Meditate: your starter kit for inner peace and better health

Hurry Up and Meditate: your starter kit for inner peace and better health
David Michie
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195 x 130
For anyone who wants to start meditating but has been struggling to get to the cushion, here are all the motivation and tools you need to achieve greater balance, better health and a more panoramic perspective of life.

If meditation was available in capsule form, it would be the biggest selling drug of all time. It has been scientifically proven to deliver highly effective stress relief, boost our immune systems and dramatically slow the ageing process. It has also been shown to make us much happier and more effective thinkers. Given all the physical and psychological benefits, why aren't more of us doing it?

In his thought-provoking and entertaining book, David Michie explains the nuts and bolts of meditation. As a busy professional, as well as long-term meditator, he also gives a first-hand account of how to integrate this transformational practice into everyday life. Combining leading edge science with timeless wisdom, Hurry Up and Meditate provides all the motivation and tools you need to achieve greater balance, better health and a more panoramic perspective of life.

In this entertaining and thought-provoking book, David Michie explains the nuts and bolts of meditation. As a busy professional as well as a long-term meditator, he gives a first-hand account of how to integrate this transformational practice into every day life. Combining leading edge science with timeless wisdom, Hurry Up and Meditate provides all the motivation and tools you need to achieve greater balance, better health and a more panoramic perspective of life.

"The idea of infusing our daily schedule with new-found tranquility may sound appealing—but not everyone is temperamentally suited to sitting around in the lotus position chanting 'Om.' Not to mention the fact that some of us just have very active minds. We'd like to meditate—but we're just not capable of switching off.

"Whoa! Back up a little! These are what I call the most common 'buts' of meditation—as in 'I'd like to meditate, but …' And the amazing thing is that it's exactly the people who use the 'too busy,' 'too hard,' and 'too hyper' justifications who stand to gain the most from meditation.

"How can I be so sure of this? Because I was one of them.

"This book has been written for people in a hurry, and its message is quite
simple: meditation is probably the best chance you've got to combat stress, cultivate
happiness, enhance your performance, realize your goals, and attain mastery of your
mental, emotional, and material destiny."
—from the Introduction

"Direct, unsentimental and compelling, this is a book for the skeptics, ditherers, and those (many) of us who lapse in our meditative practices. If there is someone in your life you'd like to introduce to meditation, Hurry Up and Meditate is an ideal conversation-starter."
—Amanda Sinclair, Melbourne Business School; author, Leadership for the Disillusioned

David Michie is a corporate communications consultant, long-time meditator and author of the bestselling Buddhism for Busy People. He lives in Australia.
1. Introduction
2. The Physical Benefits of Meditation
3. The Psychological Benefits of Meditation
4. How to Meditate
5. Different Types of Meditation
6. Seven ways to Turbo-charge your Meditation
7. Measuring Progress
8. Using Meditation to Heal
9. Troubleshooting
10. The Bigger Picture