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Ongo Book 2.0: everyday nonviolence

Ongo Book 2.0: everyday nonviolence
Catherine Cadden, Jesse Wiens
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246 x 189

What if you were able to make a real difference in your family, community, and the world, by embodying those qualities in your words and actions?

The Ongo Book 2.0: Everyday Nonviolence is the revised edition of the internationally beloved guide for being nonviolence in the real world. It offers short, simple, and doable practices for readers to incorporate into their daily lives over the course of three months, and a flexible structure that supports couples and groups who wish to practice together. Practices like mindfulness meditation, Nonviolent Communication, gratitude, and forgiveness are explained in clear, ordinary language, with an emphasis on how they can be applied in everyday life situations. From basic body awareness to making boundaries and speaking one's truth, The Ongo Book explores both the practical and the profound - for beginners and experienced practitioners.

With new forewords by Shantum Seth and Lucy Leu, this second edition now offers complete instructions for groups meeting online, new and updated practices, and guidance for continuing Ongo beyond the practices offered in the book.


Catherine Cadden is a mom, educator, storyteller, and dancer with over 30 years of experience in bringing innovative programs in nonviolence, mindfulness, and conflict transformation to people of all ages, on six continents. She is dedicated to the actionable ideal that world peace is achievable in her lifetime. In 1997, she founded the TEMBA School, a visionary K-8 academic program which integrated nonviolent principles, mindfulness, art, and peace studies. In 2006, Catherine co-founded Play in the Wild! Initiations into Nonviolence for youth, families, and educators. Internationally recognized for her work, Catherine was a keynote speaker at the UNESCO Asia Pacific Education conference in 2012 and a presenter at TEDxTriangleNC in 2010 on Direct Action in L.O.V.E. Her work with her indigenous roots, elders, and teachers taught her to live interdependently with nature, which she shares with all who are willing to learn. She is a Center for Nonviolent Communication Certified Trainer and the author of Peaceable Revolution Through Education.

Jesse Wiens Chu is fascinated by life in all its unique expressions and finds joy in supporting people to thrive. He is a dad, artist, advocate, and facilitator. In 2006, he founded ZENVC, an approach to the practice of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) that integrates meditation, mindfulness, and inner work. In this, he draws from his own Chinese-American heritage, seven years of living and practicing in Zen monasteries, and training with NVC founder, Marshall Rosenberg, and Center for Understanding in Conflict cofounder Gary Friedman. Jesse is a Center for Nonviolent Communication Certified Trainer and a former volunteer with BayNVC's Restorative Justice program at San Quentin State Prison. He is also a contributing author to A Thousand Hands: A Guidebook to Caring for Your Buddhist Community.


"Using a wealth of wisdom and techniques from the many traditions they have explored, Catherine and Jesse have put together an impressively thorough and well-crafted program for spiritual development and well being. I am frankly amazed by their daring and skill."
—Norman Fischer, founder of the Everyday Zen Foundation and author of Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong

"Born from a clever idea - to make long term contemplative practice doable at home - this book brims with useful advice. You will be encouraged to prioritize the values of meditative life, like compassion and clarity, in the midst of your ordinary situation."
—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Happiness

"We are in an age of precipitous change -- how we each live our one precious life will shape the future of humanity. I am so grateful that The Ongo Book is here to support us as a friend."
—Lucy Leu, former board president of the Center for Nonviolent Communication and co-founder of the Freedom Project

"This book is an invaluable resource to anyone seeking to bring more awareness, love, and connection into their lives."
—Oren Jay Sofer, author of Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication

"In a hurried and harried world, here are some basic and potentially powerful ideas about how to remain stable and unrocked. My guess is they will become more valuable as our various external crises deepen, and some of the distractions on which we currently lean begin to show their shallowness."
—Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature and Deep Economy and Co-founder of

"The Ongo Book: Everyday Nonviolence is a beautiful and practical book balanced with inspiration, simple yet complete teachings, and practices on every aspect of an integrated spirituality. I find the practices clearly explained, guiding the dedicated practitioner with precise maps to the inner landscape and the landscape of interpersonal relationships. For many years, in my own evolution and teaching, it has been very clear to me that, in order to actualize our spiritual evolution, we need the support of a community who share our vision and values. The Ongo Book provides a practical support for this vision."
—Robert Gonzales, Founder of the Center for Living Compassion and former board president of the Center for Nonviolent Communication

"The socially-engaged Buddhist peace movement adopted the slogan, 'There is no Way to peace, peace is the Way'. This is a call to live and embody the aspirational goals of a spiritual life. This book is a companion along the path. The contemplative exercises celebrate a peaceful, respectful way to listen deeply, build bridges of understanding and develop clear compassionate communication skills to live harmoniously with others. "
—Subhana Barzaghi, Zen Roshi, Insight Meditation teacher and psychotherapist

"Never before have I experienced such a tangible, simple, yet transformative practice. In using these practices my heart has opened in a way I never imagined possible! If the entire world population could embark on this 12-week journey then we would inhabit a much kinder, wiser, and nonviolent place."
—Melissa Bernstein, Co-founder of Melissa & Doug and Lifelines

